Join us at the Rocky Mountain Pumpkin Ranch The perfect size pumpkin patch for all ages. Bring a stroller, a wagon, or just walk around Bring snacks or buy yummy treats in the market Admission and parking is free Tickets or wristbands ($15 for kids $5 for adults) can be purchased if kids would like […]
Join us for Saturday Brunch at First Watch in Longmont Leave the kids at home and come enjoy breakfast and chat about life, kids, or whatever! First Watch Website
Bring the whole family (All Parents and Kids) downtown to enjoy the Longmont Halloween Parade After the parade, there will be trick or treating downtown at the local businesses Be sure to dress up in your Halloween costume! We will meet up in front of Quarters, 475 Main St, Longmont, CO 80501
Join us for a special all-ages storytime for Halloween! Costumes are encouraged but not required. Spend about 30 minutes with the Librarians reading fun spooky books and singing silly songs. Then, after storytime, kiddos can walk over to the Civic Center building and trick-or-treat at the service windows.